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Thursday 29 October 2020

Supernatural Season 15 Episode 17 Review: Unity

This Supernatural review contains spoilers.

Supernatural Season 15, Episode 17

Only three episodes left after this, which means this episode had some serious ground to cover. 

The episodes in this COVID-19-delayed portion of the season had thus far felt a little filler-ish. There was some character building and emotional admissions that made it all worthwhile, but still felt like we were holding back from really digging into the meat of what this season is all about — stopping Chuck. At least that changed by the end of the previous episode when Sam and Dean argued over Jack’s role in stopping Chuck, and the pressure was on when they found that their world was next on Chuck’s To Do list. 

This episode, “Unity,” felt like we really hit Supernatural’s stride for the lead-in to the end. In a unique format for Supernatural, the episode is divided amongst the major players, starting with a name heading before each subsequent chapter. Portions of the runtime are devoted to Amara, Dean, Sam — each having their own revelations that will affect their immediate futures. 

After the initial episode setup where Sam and Dean decide to explore separate methods of taking down Chuck, the chapters start with Amara. She’s still living it up, enjoying the pleasures of life when she finally runs into Chuck. He wants her to help him do a “hard reset” on the Earth, so he can try again with some other creation. She wants him to see the beauty of his current creation. She tries, an effort that maybe could have been better accomplished if she’d been on the Earth a little longer. Maybe presenting Chuck with some groveling fans wasn’t the best plan. Afterall, he insists on being called “Chuck” not God, and reminders of his previous persona never seem to go over well with him.

Amara’s portion ends with temporarily trapping Chuck in the bunker and a suggestion of compromise. Amara wishes for a “true balance” between light and dark, something that bites her in the butt later on. Chuck, as selfish and vain as he’s become, pushes away all attempts to dissuade him from his destruction. Chuck has become such a brat, further illuminating how disillusioned the divine creator has become. Nothing is good enough for him. He’s over it all, and considers creation his failure.

When the story switches to Dean, we follow him and Jack as they hunt down the final ritual Jack needs to complete, which leads them to a shop that sells rocks and minerals. 

The test put to Jack is done brilliantly. One of the crystals before him was touched by the divine — but which one? It’s like choosing the Holy Grail in Indiana Jones — you best pick the right one or your adventure here is over. Jack picks one, then changes his answer. All of these, everything, contains a spark of the divine because it was brought into being by the Creator. That was a really beautiful and smart answer.

Alessandro Juliani brilliantly plays Adam, the first man, in this scene. If you’re like me you might have recognized him as Dr. Hamilton from Smallville nine years ago. The man does not age. Coincidentally portraying a man multiple thousands of years old, he doesn’t take on the beleaguered look of Cain who was weighed down by the many years he walked the Earth. Adam has laid back attitude of a modern hippie. He had plenty of time to come up with the solution — his own rib, a symbol of creation itself. 

The most important part in this chapter was how it ended — Dean finally says thank you to Jack for his pending sacrifice. Dean taking the time to say thank you here was part apology.

Dean and Jack’s relationship had been very strained ever since Mary’s death. It hadn’t helped that Jack heard Dean telling Sam that Jack wasn’t family. A while ago, before Jack losing his soul and killing Mary, the story was completely different. Jack had become the youngest Winchester brother in a sense, and these boys would have done anything for him. Jack represented the best of Kelly, his mother, and the potential for someone fated for bad things to become inherently good. In a sense, he mirrored Sam’s cursed life. Sam could have gone dark side — in fact, he walked that path a few times thanks to demon deals, losing his soul, giving in to Lucifer. Sam had the support system to overcome all that, which makes it all the more interesting that it’s Sam who forgave Jack and still considers him family. Sam can relate. 

In Sam’s portion of the story, he teams up with Castiel to try to find another way, eventually finding the key to Death’s door. In Billie’s place we find The Empty, dressed up as Meg 2.0. Sam has to come up with a story on the spot to get The Empty to spill some key details about Billie’s plan. This is a talent you know he’s perfected as a hunter — part of the job is lying to get information out of someone in order to solve a case.

Sam learns that The Empty has teamed up with Billie, because Billie wants to be the next God. The implications are horrible, but due to CW “Do Not Reveals,” I can only say it’s very fitting what the rest of her plan is. If you remember those many seasons ago when Billie was introduced and she told Sam how she would rule as Death.

The separate stories intertwined again at the Bunker, as Dean and Jack stumble forward to use Jack as the ultimate weapon, Sam rushes forth to reveal Billie’s plan, and Amara and Chuck have a heart to heart as they await the Winchesters. 

The story bounces between two sibling confrontations, one between the Winchesters and one between Amara and Chuck. 

Sam and Dean argue whether Chuck should even be killed. Dean yells, “We don’t have a choice!” while Sam argues back “We always have a choice!” It’s the Free Will debate all over again, and it’s happening at the most crucial and anxiety-inducing time. Dean’s drive to take out Chuck is so narrow minded, he just about chill with taking out his brother and everyone they care about in the process. He feels the sacrifice is worth it. No wonder he’s fine with Jack dying — he’s fine with a bunch of people dying if it means Chuck doesn’t get to write people’s destinies anymore. 

Sam’s talk with him is so emotional he’s shaking and crying. It was heartwrenching to see Sam in such a state, begging his brother to see the right way, that this wasn’t going to end well if they went through with it. 

“What part of omniscient do you people not understand?” Chuck says, bursting into the scene. The Winchesters are always underestimating the power of the almighty Chuck. It is this that will lead us into the final three episodes.

The post Supernatural Season 15 Episode 17 Review: Unity appeared first on Den of Geek.

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