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Monday 4 February 2019

Bill Morrison, No Longer VP Executive Editor of DC Comics or Editor of MAD Magazine

Bill Morrison was the co-founder and creative director of Bongo Comics, along with Matt Groening and Steve and Cindy Vance. He became editor of MAD Magazine in June 2017, after the retirement of 30+ year editor John Ficarra, after publisher DC Comics moved their offices from Manhattan to Burbank, and became a VP Executive Editor at DC Comics in the process. Morrison relaunched the long-running American semi-satirical magazine with a new #1 and shepherded the magazine into the Trump era.

Bleeding Cool has been informed that as of last week, Bill Morrison is no longer editor of MAD Magazine, as part of new layoffs at DC Comics. We have confirmed that he is no longer at DC.

Bill Morrison did not respond to enquiries made yesterday but, as with other laid-off employees at DC Comics, is likely to have signed an NDA as part of his redundancy package.

As well as working on The Simpsons and Futurama, Bill Morrison also adapted The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine into a graphic novel for Titan Comics. Whatever he does know, he will have many fans following him.

Other named redundancies at DC Comics include John Cunningham, SVP Sales Trade Marketing, Mark Chiarello, Senior Art Director and Eddie Scannell, VP Consumer Marketing.

Bleeding Cool is the only major comic book news reporting site that DC Comics doesn’t consider to be a media partner. We are happy to take background and off-the-record briefings from informed sources. If you have something to tell us, you can contact me on this website or at

The post Bill Morrison, No Longer VP Executive Editor of DC Comics or Editor of MAD Magazine appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

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