Tuesday 28 August 2018

Hey Bill Jemas… Bleeding Cool is Downstairs Right Now

In recent days, Bleeding Cool has been writing about Artists, Writers & Artisans Inc, the new publisher of comics and stuff with Bill Jemas as chief, five million dollars in investment and ex-Marvel EIC Axel Alonso on staff.

Anyway, intrepid Bleeding Cool reporter Mike Sangregorio popped along to their Manhattan offices on the off chance he might be able to have a word with the big man.

Sadly the doorman of the offices in which AWAAI is based wouldn’t confirm their existence. And would only allow people in with an invite.

So right now, or at least for the next quarter of an hour, Mike is sat in the Starbucks opposite the road. Just on the off chance that Bill, Axel or any of the directors might want to pop over from the seventh floor to say hi.

He’s waiting, Bill…

UPDATE: Sorry Bill, Mike had to get back to work. Maybe another time?


The post Hey Bill Jemas… Bleeding Cool is Downstairs Right Now appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

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