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Sunday 19 April 2020

System Shock 3 Is Very Much Still In Development

Following rumors that the System Shock 3 development team was laid off earlier in 2020, it looks like they're still alive and working hard to bring us the next installment in the series. Taking to the official System Shock 3 forums, a representative from OtherSide Entertainment, marketing and business development VP Walter Somol, noted that the team was indeed "still" there and work had still been taking place.

"We're all working remotely right now, probably like most of you," Somol wrote. "Our new concept is coming along nicely and we are really excited about it. We have cool and we think distinctive art style for it and we have that and gameplay coming together in UE4. I know it's a tease, but I just can't really say anything about it at this point." He continued by offering some kind words to readers.

"I hope you all are staying safe and healthy in these unfortunate times. Maybe even gaming more than usual, I know I am," he concluded.

At some point in time, we will see System Shock 3.

The last time we had a proper look at System Shock 3 was March 2019 during GDC, which has now been over a year ago. This year's GDC has been canceled, so there wasn't another opportunity just yet at the same event to show off the game in any major way. But beyond that, it was understood that the staff from the Austin-based OtherSide Entertainment had undergone something of an exodus from the studio in February 2020. At that time, developers including QA staff, a lead programmer, design director, and director had left the studio.

From the sound of things, it's apparent that System Shock 3 has now undergone an additional transformation with a "new concept." This means the game could now be going in a different direction than we initially thought, and there's little information to go on in terms of what to expect from the next installment. Of course, with no proper physical gaming events on the horizon thanks to COVID-19, we may well be stuck waiting a while to see what's next for the game. As soon as something ends up being announced, however, we'll let you know.

The post System Shock 3 Is Very Much Still In Development appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

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