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Saturday 18 April 2020

A Comic Shop 24 Hour Live Telethon Sale Has Just Started

You may recall Aaron Haaland as an outspoken comic book retailer of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida. He used to do the A Comic Show videos on Bleeding Cool, and we recently featured his rallying cry to the direct market of comic book stores in this time of trial. Today he is continuing to innovate and operate while the comic book industry remains shut down. As this goes live, he has just started a twenty-four hour live show from the store, with creator guests, sales and more. The show finishes at 9am ET tomorrow, and it's possible I may even pop by to keep him going in the wee hours. He promises "24 Hours of comics, graphic novels, action figures, pops, Awesomelab Geek Trivia at noon, gaming From Campus Cards & Games, beer from Hourglass Brewing, and 4 Rivers fueled. Guest appearances by Jason Aaron, John Layman, and Skottie Young (and even Richard Johnston if we can make the time zones work). We'll have everything but SLEEP. It all starts at 8am on A Comic Shop's Facebook page."

A Comic Shop 24 Hour Live Telethon Sale Has Just Started. Photo courtesy of Aaron Haaland.

On his way to the store, via whatever means of subterfuge feels is necessary, with his big bag of socks, he posted the following, "Two hours of sleep, headed into 24 hours of A Comic Shop live sales. It's time to dig deep and do whatever it freaking takes to keep the dream alive. Thank God I canceled my midlife crisis, and had Alan Haaland's example of providing for your family no matter what. I love you, Dad."

Two hours of sleep? I am not entirely sure in which direction this will go but I'll be along for the ride. Hopefully, I can stay up for Dan DiDio. Here are Aaron's words from two weeks ago. "The direct market was built by retailers, we are a bottom-up industry, this is who we are, this is punk rock, punk's not dead, comics are not dead. It was never really about the comics, it's about you. They care about you. I know you care about your customers. Go live and engage. All mid life crises are cancelled. That's the cancel culture." Let's all pop by the show and give him our support.

The post A Comic Shop 24 Hour Live Telethon Sale Has Just Started appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

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