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Monday 27 August 2018

Ben Templesmith Begs DC Comics to Let Him Draw Lobo

Ben Templesmith was at Comic Con Brazil, and was asked a lot about the comics he’s worked on and their transformation of comics into TV and films. He described the new 30 Days Of Night reboot at IDW for which he’s doing covers for as ‘blood out of a stone’, his expressed his dissatisfaction with whatever is going on with The Chronicles Of Wormwood and had a message for DC Comics.

He wants to draw Lobo. He really wants to draw Lobo. He says that he’ll be able to get Simon Bisley to do covers. But he really wants to do Lobo. He just doesn’t know anyone at DC Comics anymore.

Thankfully some DC staffers still read Bleeding Cool.

Lobo Lobo Lobo.


Guys and gals? I think you should let him…

The post Ben Templesmith Begs DC Comics to Let Him Draw Lobo appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

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